A Remotely Delivered Progressive Walking Intervention for Adults With Persistent Symptoms of a Mild Traumatic Brain Injury: Feasibility and Exploration of Its Impact

6 juillet 2022
A Remotely Delivered Progressive Walking Intervention for Adults With Persistent Symptoms of a Mild Traumatic Brain Injury: Feasibility and Exploration of Its Impact
Persistent post-concussion symptoms following a mild traumatic braininjury (mTBI) can impact function and participation of adults. Physical activity isrecommended to reduce symptoms and foster return to normal activities. Adults witha mTBI may have personal factors or experience accessibility issues restricting physicalactivity. Walking is a physical activity accessible to most that could be delivered remotely.Article découlant du projet : Faisabilité d’une intervention progressive à la marche offerte en télésanté aux adultes ayant des symptômes persistants d’un traumatisme craniocérébral léger en contexte de la pandémie de la COVID-19 SB-2021-02
6 juillet 2022
Outil administratif et document de références